Once they're gone, they're gone! Secure your spot in the backcountry for the 2025/26 season before it's too late.
BOOK NOWBackcountry touring, Nordic skiing, snowshoeing, and other activities that take place at ski areas involve the risk of injury. This information is intended to inform you of the risks, dangers and hazards that you may encounter at a ski area and help you to stay safe while enjoying these activities. Whether you are a participant in these activities, a visitor, or a parent or guardian of a minor participant, please take the time to familiarize yourself with the Safety and Risk Awareness information on this website.
For general information, contact our adventure desk at 604-938-0616 or
For on-site emergencies during operating hours call 604-938-0616.
For emergencies outside of operating hours, please dial 911.
It is a condition of your use of the premises and facilities and your participation in these activities that you assume all risk of personal injury, death or property loss resulting from any cause whatsoever, including negligence, breach of contract, or breach of any duty of care on the part of the ski area operator.
Your legal responsibility as a user of the ski area premises and facilities or participant in activities at the ski area is explained in the following notice, which you will see posted at the ski area.
The primary safety consideration, and obligation under the Cross-Country Responsibility Code, is to ski in a controlled and responsible manner. Failure to follow the Cross-Country Responsibility Code may result in the withdrawal of access privileges.
There are elements of risk that common sense and personal awareness can help reduce. Regardless of how you decide to use the trails, always show courtesy to others. Please adhere to the code listed below and share with others the responsibility for a safe outdoor experience.
evoAcademy Backcountry Essentials Course
Avalanche Canada Skills Training Level 1 and Level 2 courses are available at a number of BLBCA affiliated operations.
Avalanche Canada’s Pre-Trip Planning Course