Once they're gone, they're gone! Secure your spot in the backcountry for the 2025/26 season before it's too late.
BOOK NOWThere are inherent risks in the adventure activities that guests will experience at The Callaghan's Journeyman Lodge. The Callaghan requires that every guest carefully read, understand, and agree to the contents of our RELEASE OF LIABILITY, WAIVER OF CLAIMS, ASSUMPTION OF RISKS AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT as a condition of acceptance as a Journeyman Lodge guest. Parent(s) or court appointed legal guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age). As a reservation holder or group leader, it is your responsibility to ensure every party member has been provided these instructions.
In addition to agreement to our waiver with the registration & trip payment process, our insurance provider requires all guests to sign the same paper version of this waiver of liability in ink, on-site, so as to be witnessed in the presence of a staff member of The Callaghan. This will take place during the check-in process of your adventure.